About Me

Welcome to my Humanities portfolio! My name is Emily McDill and I am a first year student at Davidson College from West Hartford, CT. This portfolio is a working representation of my work over the course of two semesters enrolled in the Humanities 103/104 course. 

This is me!

One of our tasks in the course is to define revolution, and I have chosen to make the theme of my portfolio “value,” because I believe that the values and priorities held by a society play the greatest role in launching and determining whether something is revolutionary. The phrase “the value of revolution” can also be interpreted to raise the questions, “what is the purpose of a revolution?” or “what qualities make something revolutionary?” I seek to answer these questions through my definition of revolution, the compilation of  related work in my portfolio, and through the lens of the overarching theme of value. 

You can navigate my page with the toolbar on the top, and feel free to click around. Enjoy!

Coronavirus and What I Value:

The experiences I’ve learned I value most while in quarantine (AKA what I miss and appreciate):

  • Quality time with the people I love- both at Davidson and at home.
  • Sharing a laugh/being able to make people laugh
  • Hugging the homies
  • Commons breakfast sandwiches (I miss you!)
  • Alone time to reflect- I now enjoy taking long walks!
  • The companionship of pets 
  • The beautiful walk through the front of campus toward Main Street
  • The convenience and spontaneity of living with your best friends
  • In-person learning! Being able to see all of your faces in person in a classroom 
  • Seeing acquaintances in passing- even if we’re not close friends it’s comforting to see familiar faces 


Thank you to all of my wonderful Humes professors and section leaders for your passion and dedication to the course! Also major kudos for your flexibility and understanding during this crazy time. Humesters- thank you all for being my first friends at Davidson- it was so cool to experience our first year together and I’m so grateful for the friendships we’ve made. I appreciate you all and can’t wait to see you on campus next year! 

Site background image: pixabay.com

Other images: my own