Something New- Collaborative-ish

Word of the week/month/all-of-quarantine?: nostalgic!

Linked below is a slideshow I made with some of my favorite memories from my experience as a Humester, from Sapere Aude all the way until March 12th when it was announced the rest of the semester would be online during Dr. Ewington’s opening lecture! Although the coronavirus pandemic cut the semester short and I’ve been struggling to feel closure, reflecting on my year by creating this video helped me realize how grateful I am for the time we had together and how much I value the relationships and educational experiences Humanities has provided me. 

Collaborative-ish?: Although I did not directly collaborate with other students on the slideshow, each picture represents a shared experience with my fellow Humesters. I also sent the video to everyone featured, and we all enjoyed reminiscing on our memories from the year, especially the video at the end. 

I hope that you enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed making it!